शनिवार, 10 दिसंबर 2022

Total Recall.

Nothing Ever Goes Wrong.


In the first or second week of February 1985, I visited SriRamanasramam for the first time and subscribed for The Mountain Path, -the magazine published by the Ashrams. 

As per by chance or as I have given the title to this post, I came across an article about one Shunyo Baba. Where He is reported to have said this. 

As soon as, at the precise and exact moment, one enters the threshold of consciousness, the understanding that everything happens by itself, or that indeed Nothing whatsoever ever happens and really, all happening is but in and an appearance only dawns upon him. Because the Reality is One Whole Conscious Mass of the Self (Atman).

Even if something appears to go wrong, that too is but a momentary thought only and the Reality or the Self, The Conscious Whole is in no way affected, nor affects any-one or any-thing.

Reading about Brain-Computor-Interface or the BCI, this came to my mind.
