शनिवार, 29 अप्रैल 2017

My Bhagavan,

My Bhagavan,
(Composed by and Courtesy : Grace Ana K.)
This is for You. 
This is for You. 

As the sun rises and 
peers through the trees. 
I feel You smiling so dear 
and fresh upon me. 
As the birds sing in 
melodious tunes 
I feel Your happiness 
freely beyond 
any promised boons. 
Your nature speaks 
in every bow bending 
of a branch 
when the wind 
captures my mind 
in awe of your trance. 

In this stillness 
I reflect upon You, 
My Bhagavan, 
how beautiful and true 
deeply beyond thought, 
Your words carry to Heart
'where can I go?'
'where can I go?' 
That echo of which 
Your greatness beholds
While I recall that tale 
of an off-distant star, 
a comet who sang 
leaving an invisible scar 
through the mourning caves 
And empty skies 
the moment your 
body disappeared 
from our ocean-filled eyes. 

Salt tasted tear trickles 
down the mounds of my face 
with a vision of Arunachalas' 
Majesty, I can't soon erase. 
I love You as though we've met 
in Her distant land, 
perhaps I was a flower 
You saved from plucking 
or between Your precious toes, 
the holy red sand. 

My Father, my Mother,
My anchor on a lost 
wayward boat. 
I think of You 
as the tears 
and ball of tension 
rise in my throat. 
How dear You are 
to come to me 
and answer my 
desperate plea
for your love through 
a body to clearly
set me free. 
Oh how playful your ways 
I have to admit, 
you are tricky as I'm caught
in the web of my own 
prayers alight 
with your heart so near, 
nearer than near 
with sweet moments 
of Narayana 
making moments of 
everything clear. 

And you patiently let 
the web untangle itself 
as I dance in and out 
in emotional wealth 
And captivity,
While falling into the 
humble hands 
of a beautiful rock 
Of ancient sacred land 
and levity,
Beyond name and form 
you weave through my life, 
till there's no me or you 
in caught up 
moments of strife. 
You let me sit 
in the palm of your hand, 
or a gem in the crown 
of your majestic 
starry band. 

My beloved dear 
beyond any role, 
your compassion has
worn down the 'little me'
who has taken its toll, 
and spent eons and eons 
spinning its web 
of bygone stories 
both alive and dead. 
But now is the time 
in your infinite grace 
your compassion opens 
up to a peace-filled space 
where I can rest and 
wake into the real, 
well rested and shed 
my old skin of the weary 
and tested tale. 
My Beloved your promise 
is locked deep in my Heart 
for this blissful day 
Your key will open and part 
the Seas for a newborn start.
A journey of peace 
this weary gypsy 
traveler can rest 
and know without a doubt 
I am Home at best. 

My Bhagavan,
This is for You. 
This is for You.

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