सोमवार, 12 अप्रैल 2021

The Mirror




(by Dr. T. N. Pranatharthi Haran)

Consciousness is just like a mirror. The mirror has no choice of its own.  It simply reflects whatsoever comes in front of it.  The mirror does not choose, does not opine,  does not judge. The nature of consciousness  is just mirror-like at the source, Sri Ramana stands as a supreme example of this. 

When consciousness is divided, not mirror-like, it becomes the mind.  The mind is a broken mirror.  At the source the mind is conscious-ness. Once the dual divisions are stopped the mind becomes the pure consciousness. 

While the mind is full of effort, consciousness is effortless. Effort is needed,  says the Maharshi,  to become effortless. This is possible only when the mind sinks back to its source. The source is the heart centre. 

When one enters the source,  the path and the goal become one and the same. At the periphery the past, the present and the future do exist. But once the heart center is reached  the present alone is real.  For, the past and the future depend upon the present only. The past is a thought while the future is in imagination. Besides, the past and future are related to the mind, and are only present during the experience. Any experience is possible only in the present. The future is built upon the past by the mind. Staying permanently at the source is called 'vichara' (enquiry). It denotes only the present tense.

Sri Ramana  helps us to reside at the heart centre always. Only the source carries all meaning,  all exctacies, all blessings. He pushes the mind to the centre, and then holds it there always. What is felt as Grace during the sadhana, becomes the blissful Self at the source. Thus Ramana Sadguru graciously vouchsafes a life of the heart. Then there is only awareness,  awareness that is unbroken. This is liberation.


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