सोमवार, 11 अप्रैल 2022


Of Dark Matter and Black Hole.


Upadesha Saara 

।।उपदेश सार।।


नाहमेकसत्तज्जडं ह्यसत्।।२२।।


विग्रह - संयोग, - combination of, इन्द्रिय - इन्द्रियाँ, - sense-organs and organs of action, प्राण - प्राण, - तथा व्यान, उदान, समान और अपान, -the vital force that prompts the breath and then the breath prompts other vital forces as well that help the various body-functions, धी - बुद्धियाँ - the intellect(s)  तमः - अन्धकार, अचेतस्, अज्ञान, - the Dark, the Black, the insensient, the ignorance that conceals the Reality, and shows up the world of senses, which is not I - न - नहीं (हूँ / है), is / am not, अहम् - I,  the Self, आत्मा / परमात्मा, the I-principle, the Rudra, Who is the Potential, Manifest, Phenomenal, Supreme, Ultimate, Noumenon, or what is not manifest., एक सत् - एकमेव-अद्वितीय सत् / सद्वस्तु, - The Only and the Unique Reality, तत् - वह (सब), - all that (i. e.  the body, the organs, the vital life-force, the intellect) is जडं - अचेतस्, - Insentience, Ignorance,  हि - अवश्य ही, - verily, indeed, certainly, (and is), असत् - असार, निस्सार, worthless, of no value any.


इसी श्लोक को इस ब्लॉग के 8 फ़रवरी 2011 को लिखे पोस्ट -2 में उपदेश-सार में भी पढ़ सकते हैं। 

The same stanza is also available in the Post No. 2 dated 8th February  2011, of this blog.


।।ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीरमणाय।। 


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