Those were the days!
Long ago on Feb. 5, 1985 I visited for the first time the :
Sri Ramanasramam,
The place of Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi,
At Tiruvannamalai.
Like all other places on the earth this too is a part of the World, no doubt.
From that very day, I have been under the supervision of :
The Divinity
Known to me as Bhagawan, Sri Ramana Maharshi or Sri Arunachakeshwara,
Which I refer to as Shiva/ शिव also.
There I bought many a books like :
उपदेश-सारः, सद्दर्शनम्, श्री रमणगीता, सद्विद्या
The Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Till today I keep in touch with all that literature.
I'm also attracted to the Literature of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, J. Krishnamurti and Shankaracharya, alongwith so many other texts in Sanskrit.
Today in the morning at about 05:00 a.m. when I was just walking up as usual from my sleep, came across this verse :
which I was thinking of in the mind, and though I couldn't remember the whole, I knocked upon something else while tried to recite the same.
It's verse 5 in Sad-darshanaM :
सत्यं मृषा वा चिदिदं जडं वा
I could remember only this much and was unable to think the next words.
Then a sudden thought, as if a flash of light illuminated my mind and there was a question that prompted me to think in quite a new way.
I asked to myself :
Is the "world" चित् or जड;
sentient or insentient?
Let me elaborate it further a bit-
Like everyone else, in my "world",
I'm : here and now.
I'm "conscious" of a "World" which I believe is other than me, though around as well always.
In this world that is perceived by me, there are innumerable sentient and also insentient objects and things, in the form of material or abstract notions.
Humans, for example are less or more like me.
There are birds, animals, plants, insects, and so many other organisms, the living beings which I think are sentient, while there are objects that are just insentient.
These all things together constitute what I think is my "World".
But What about this Entire and a Whole World as a single object that I refer to, when I say something of this world?
Then I had to find out the whole verse.
It's verbatim as :
सत्यं मृषा वा चिदिदं जडं वा
दुःखं सुखं वेति मुदा विवाद।
अदृष्टलोका निरहंप्रतीतिः
निष्ठाऽविकल्पा परमाऽखिलेष्टा।।
I'm no doubt "conscious" of this World, but Is / Isn't the World as a whole, entire and a single entity too "conscious" and a sentient object like so many innumerable living and sentient organisms like "me"?
Can I possibly draw a line of distinction between "me" and this World, which is One Whole Entirely a Single Reality?
How I can say this World is insentient object and is an Objective Reality other than myself, while I'm the subjective?
Going through this understanding, I felt that so far I was oblivious of the truth that the whole existence is no other than the "Self" only.
Now, the verse as there after I searched for in the text as follows here :
सत्यं मृषा वा चिदिदं जडं वा
दुःखं सुखं वेति मुधा विवादः ।
अदृष्टलोका निरहंप्रतीति-
र्निष्ठाऽविकल्पा परमाऽखिलेष्टा ॥